
What is your reaction to the text you just read?

The story was an excerpt fictional sci-fi story which dives into a scene where theres a family and a creature of sorts. They are all sitting around enjoying eggs until at some point there is a noise outside and the creature and the main character jump into action. The creature must harvest these grubs inside this person and the main character must help. The story is a bit hard to understand without all of the prior context explaining, (the balance between familiar and unfamiliar) but it seems as though this is about a dominant species which uses and chooses a lesser species to grow their eggs. It is an oddly intimate story in which there is trust and promises.

What connections did you make with the story you read? Discuss the elements of the work in which you were able to connect?

There was a dominant species that would over hunt the host animals in which they implant their young and now they are at a point where there is not a lot left. There are now laws in place to protect the lesser species and conserve how much the dominant species procreates. This dominant species sounds like a human, bug-like species with multiple limbs and a stinger. There sounds to be a divide between these creatures politically driven where some of them believe they can use the lesser species whenever and however they want while others believe they should co-exist. It is sort of similar to our relationship with our animals. Some believe that we should co-exist with them as pets while others believe they are just here for use to eat and use to our advantage. Also, there are connections with the fertilized and unfertilized eggs which is kind of like chickens, where we eat the unfertilized ones and then use the fertilized ones to get chicks.

What changes would you make to make this story into another media?  What medium would you use? What changes would you make?

I think this story could be made into an interesting video game. The story is a bit too vague on the drive and backstory behind the politics and why these lesser species have to carry the eggs in which are then harvested later down the road. I would probably change the story to be more politically driven in the backstory, maybe making it where you would play as this creature, T'Gatoi, and have to protect this child in which your eggs are in while also fighting to protect others of this lower species. You would encounter all of these trials with other creatures trying to attack both you and take advantage of the lesser species. 

What does the future look like in 50 years?

My vision of the future is unlike the Jetson's and more like Mad Max or I, Robot, or V is for Vendetta. I believe there will be a lot of technology yes, but it won't be as much to our advantage as it will be to our demise. We won't have left much for us to do with robots doing everything and eventually we will make them smart enough to not need us anymore. I also believe that with all the violence and weapons and environmental global destruction we have today, we will make a wasteland out of our world. I also believe that big cooperations will take over and try to rule our every move and we will no longer have a government, but an authority. I want to believe in the best, but sometimes it's hard to see where the light is coming from when there is so much fog around you. I hope to see myself in a meaningful job creating art, but even just doing humanitarian work would be nice too.


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